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Proudly located in Collier Township 

Street and Sewer Rehabilitation Program


W.E.C. Engineers, Inc. provided the engineering services for an annual roadway rehabilitation program. This program included the development of pavement and drainage designs.


W.E.C. worked closely with the City Council to identify areas of need, evaluate existing conditions and recommended the appropriate method of repair. Once the scope was determined, W.E.C. provided the following:

  • Construction Plans

  • Construction Cost Estimates

  • Coordination of the Bid & Award Processes

  • Construction Inspection


W.E.C. was sensitive to the costs related to the rehabilitation of each street and made recommendations to Council based upon the cost-effectiveness of each proposed project.  


Sewer Rehabilitation


This City was also faced with the difficulties inherent to an aging infrastructure system. W.E.C. provided engineering services to the City by inspecting the existing combined storm/sanitary sewer systems. After a thorough examination, W.E.C. developed corrective action plans to alleviate problems as they were identified.

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